Second phase of the Gas Tax funding
The Greater Shediac Sewerage Commission has recently awarded the second phase of the Gas Tax funding program, Pointe-du-Chêne Sanitary Sewer System improvements – Contract No.2 to 683962 NB Ltd.
This work will include the renewal of approximately 500m of sanitary sewer main along St. John Street. Work is expected to begin February 11th, 2019 with restoration completed in the Spring. We are committed to maintaining a work site that is safe and orderly. Signage will be placed at all ends of the closed sections for your information and safety. We are working to minimize the inconvenience and maintain vehicle access to driveways. We appreciate your patience while we work to improve the infrastructure in our community.
Crandall Engineering Ltd. is the project manager and will have an inspector on site at all times during construction.
The works hours are typically from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekdays. When possible, the roads will be open on weekends.
We apologize for any inconvenience and request your cooperation in this matter.